序号 作者姓名 论文标题 发表期刊 期刊收录
1 胡昊 Study on Economic Evaluation of Northern Sea Route: Taking Voyage of YONG SHENG as an Example Transportation Research Record SCI
2 金建钢 Storage Yard Management in Maritime Container Terminals Transportation Science SCI
3 金建钢 Analysis of Profitability for Container Shipping on Arctic Routes by Navigation Speed and Risk of Disruption Transportation Research Record   SCI
4 路庆昌 Improved Model of Start-Wave Velocity at Intersections Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveillance Journal of Donghua University EI
5 彭仲仁 The impacts of roadside vegetation barriers on the dispersion of gaseous traffic pollution in urban street canyons Urban Forestry & Urban Greening SCI
6 孙健 A Discriminated Release Strategy for Parking Variable Message Sign Display Problem Using Agent-based Simulation IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems SCI
7 孙健 Determination of Scheduled Travel Time for a Fixed Transit Route Based on Multistate Model Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology EI
8 金建钢 Optimizing Bus Bridging Services in Response to Disruptions of Urban Transit Rail Networks Transportation Science SCI
9 宋元斌 Fleet Scheduling for Multiple Plants with Limited Storage Capacity Journal of Donghua University(English Edition) EI
10 胡昊 考虑基坑开挖空间效应的邻近建筑物沉降预测方法 上海交通大学学报 EI
11 孙健 基于驾驶人路径选择偏好的OD行程时间预测方法 交通运输工程学报 EI
12 孙健 An Improved Adaptive Signal Control Method for Isolated Signalized Intersection based on Dynamic Programming  IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine SCI
13 胡昊 基坑群施工对邻近隧道影响与隧道保护 上海交通大学学报 EI
14 胡昊 Urban end distribution optimization under E-commerce envirionment Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science) EI
15 胡昊 Study on China-EU container shipping network in the context of Northern Sea Route Journal of Transport Geography SSCI
16 孙健 A Bus Route Evaluation Model Based on GIS and Super-Efficient Data Envelopment Analysis Transportation Planning and Technology SSCI
17 胡昊 Profit Sharing and the Stability of Shipping Alliances Based on Game Theory Journal of Transport Economics and Policy SSCI
18 谢驰 Path-constrained traffic assignment: A trip chain analysis under range anxiety Transportation Research Part C SCI
19 谢驰 Relay requirement and traffic assignment of electric vehicles Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering SCI
20 张毅 The Built Environment and the Frequency of Cycling Trips by Urban Elderly: Insights from Zhongshan, China Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering SSCI
21 朱祎 The impacts of urban mass rapid transit lines on the density and mobility of high-income households: A case study of Singapore Transport Policy SSCI
22 路庆昌 Job and residential location changes responding to floods and cyclones: an analysis based on a cross-nested logit model Climatic Change SCI
23 谢驰 New insights and improvements of using paired alternative segments for traffic assignment Transportation Research Part B SCI
24 孙健 Measuring vulnerability of Urban Metro Network from Line Operation Perspective Transportation Research Part A SSCI
25 陆林军 Vulnerability of long-distance bridges and tunnels in urban roadway networks JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY REVIEW EI
26 孙健 Identification and prediction of large pedestrian flow in urban area base on hybrid detection approach Sustainability SSCI
27 孙健 A multistate-based travel time schedule model for fixed transit route  Transportation Letters SSCI
28 胡昊 Developing a life cycle cost model for real- time condition monitoring in railways under uncertainty Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit SCI
29 尹静波 Evaluation of Effects of Ship Emissions Control Areas: Case Study of Shanghai Port in China Transportation Research Record   SCI
30 路庆昌 The interrelationship between travel behavior and life choices in adapting to flood disasters Natural Hazards SCI
31 尹静波 Dynamics and interactions between Spot and Forward Freights in the Dry Bulk Shipping Market maritime policy and management SSCI
32 陆林军 Safety evaluation model of urban cross-river tunnel based on driving simulation International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion SSCI
33 路庆昌 Investigation of the spatiotemporal variation and influencing factors on fine particulate matter and carbon monoxide concentrations near a road intersection Frontiers of Earth Science SCI
34 陆林军 Socioeconomic factors affecting the job satisfaction levels of self-employed container truck drivers: a case study from Shanghai Port MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT SSCI
35 彭仲仁 Three-dimensional investigation of ozone pollution in the lower troposphere using an unmanned aerial vehicle platform Environmental Pollution SCI
36 杜守继 Centrifuge evaluation of the influential factors in the uplift capacity of suction foundations in clay Marine Georesources and Geotechnology SCI
37 孙健 基于移动监测的城市主要道路交通碳排放形成机理分析  中国公路学报 EI
38 高林杰 A trip detection model for individual smartphone-based GPS records with   a novel evaluation method ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCI
39 金建钢 Optimizing Passenger Flow Control and Bus‐Bridging Service for Commuting Metro Lines Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering SCI
40 孙健 Agent-based modelling and simulation to assess the impact of parking reservation system  Journal of Advanced Transportation SCI
41 路庆昌 Prediction of vertical PM2.5 concentrations alongside an elevated expressway by using the neural network hybrid model and generalized additive model Frontiers of Earth Science SCI
42 胡昊 2 RFID Enabled Knowledge-Based Precast Construction Supply Chain Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering SCI
43 陆林军 An Evaluation Framework for the Public Information Guidance System KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering SCI
44 宋元斌 Project schedule with alternative activities and relationships Journal of Engineering Research SCI
45 胡昊 Rise of Interjurisdictional Commuters and Their Mode Choice: Evidence from the Chicago Metropolitan Area Journal of Urban Planning and Development SSCI
46 陆键 Vulnerability analysis of urban rail transit based on complex network theory: a case study of Shanghai Metro PUBLIC TRANSPORT SCI
47 孙健 Analyzing Behavior Differences of Occupied and Non-Occupied Taxi Drivers Using Floating Car Data  Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong  EI
48 杜守继 Case Study on Deformation Control of Upper-Soft and Lower-Hard Large Span Tunnel Station Using Combined Control Technology and Monitoring Demonstration SAINS MALAYSIANA SCI
49 杜守继 Study on the Relation between Mineral Compositions of Rock and Construction Characteristics of Tunnel in Cold Regions: A Case SAINS MALAYSIANA SCI
50 胡昊 Uncertainty Analysis of Value for Money Assessment for PPP Projects  Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science) SCI
51 彭仲仁 Assessing Effects of Bus Service Quality on Passengers’Taxi-Hiring Behavior  Transport SCI
52 孙健 An Empirical Framework for Intersection Optimization Based on Uniform Design Journal of Advanced Transportation SCI
53 孙健 Modeling carbon emissions from urban traffic system using mobile monitoring Science of the Total Environment SCI
54 尹静波 Seasonality Patterns in the Container Shipping Freight Rate Market  Maritime policy & management SSCI
55 倪安宁 Stochastic traffic assignment model considering park & ride network and travel time reliability Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering EI
56 彭仲仁 A station-based rail transit network vulnerability measure considering land use dependency JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY SCI
57 彭仲仁 Investigating vertical distribution patterns of lower tropospheric PM2.5 using unmanned aerial vehicle measurements Atmospheric Environment SCI
58 孙健 A Two-Layer Network Dynamic Congestion Pricing Based on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION SCI
59 张毅 Public Transport Use among the Urban and Rural Elderly in China: Effects of Personal, Attitudinal, Household, Social Environment and Built Environment Factors Journal of Transport and Land Use SSCI
60 张毅 The Socioeconomic Characteristics, Urban Built Environment and Household Car Ownership in a Rapidly Growing City: Evidence from Zhongshan Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering A&HCI
61 路庆昌 A station-based rail transit network vulnerability analysis considering land use dependency Journal of Transport Geography SSCI
62 胡昊 Framework for modeling operational uncertainty to optimize offsite production scheduling of precast components Automation in Construction SCI
63 孙健 Taxi driver speeding: Who, when, where and how? A comparative study between Shanghai and New York City Traffic Injury Prevention SSCI
64 胡昊 Simulation based multiple disturbances evaluation in the precast supply chain for improved disturbance prevention Journal of Cleaner Production SCI
65 黄淑萍 Evaluating Flight Crew Performance by a Bayesian Network Model Entropy SCI
66 彭仲仁 Impacts of wind fields on the distribution patterns of traffic emitted particles in urban residential areas Transportation Research Part D SCI
67 路庆昌 Location choice behavior adapting to flood and cyclone hazards International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction SCI
68 孙健 A Mixed Frontier Model for Urban Bus Performance Evaluation at Different Periods Proceedings of ICE Transport SCI
70 尹静波 Survival analysis of the world ship demolition market TRANSPORT POLICY SSCI
71 彭仲仁 Use of Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Radioactive Source Search Remote Sensing SCI
72 高林杰 Travel Mode Detection Using GPS Data and Socioeconomic Attributes Based on a Random Forest Classifier IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS SCI
73 金建钢 Strategic network expansion of urban rapid transit systems: A bi‐objective programming model Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering SCI
74 彭仲仁 Three-dimensional analysis of ozone and PM2.5 distributions obtained by observations of tethered balloon and unmanned aerial vehicle in Shanghai, China STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT SCI
75 孙健 Short turning pattern for relieving metro congestion during peak hours: the substance coherence of Shanghai, China EUROPEAN TRANSPORT RESEARCH REVIEW SSCI
76 尹静波 Second ship registry in flag choice mechanism: The implications for China in promoting a maritime cluster policy Transportation Research Part A SSCI
77 彭仲仁 Identification and interpretation of spatial–temporal mismatch between taxi demand and supply using global positioning system data Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations SCI
78 孙健 Analyzing spatiotemporal traffic line source emissions based on massive didi online car-hailing service data TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT SSCI
79 尹静波 Extracting Shipping Route Patterns by Trajectory Clustering Model Based on Automatic Identification System Data Sustainability SSCI
80 胡昊 Dynamic response to demand variability for precast production rescheduling with multiple lines International Journal of Production Research SCI
81 彭仲仁 Spatial Distribution of Fine Particulate Matter in Underground Passageways INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH SCI
82 彭仲仁 The Effect of Nonlocal Vehicle Restriction Policy on Air Quality in Shanghai ATMOSPHERE SCI
83 孙健 Effects of congestion on drivers' speed choice: Assessing the mediating role of state aggressiveness based on taxi floating car data ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION SSCI
84 陆林军 Buckling analysis of steel jacking pipes embedded in elastic tensionless foundation based on spline finite strip method Thin-Walled Structures SCI
85 陆林军 Mixed mode fracture characterization of GFRP-concrete bonded interface using four-point single leg bending test. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES SCI
86 胡昊 Modeling Worker Competence to Advance Precast Production Scheduling Optimization JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SCI
87 高林杰 Are People from Households with Children More Likely to Travel by Car? An Empirical Investigation of Individual Travel Mode Choices in Shanghai, China Sustainability SSCI
88 孙健  Influence of Avenue Trees on Traffic Pollutant Dispersion in Asymmetric Street Canyons: Numerical Modeling with Empirical Analysis Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment SSCI
89 孙健 Influence of avenue trees on traffic pollutant dispersion in asymmetric street canyons: Numerical modeling with empirical analysis TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT SSCI
90 彭仲仁 城市高架路沿侧细颗粒物的垂直分布特征研究 上海交通大学学报 EI
91 孙健 A multistate-based travel me schedule model for fixed transit route TRANSPORTATION LETTERS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH SCI
92 倪安宁 评价公交行程时间可靠性价值的Mixed Logit模型 上海交通大学学报(自然科学版) EI
93 高林杰 Improved algorithms for trip-chain estimation using massive student behaviour data from urban transit systems IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS SCI
94 孙健 Guest Editorial: Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications for Smart Transportation - Selected Papers from World Transportation Congress (WTC) 2018 IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS SCI
95 尹静波 Assessment of investment decision in the dry bulk shipping market based on real options thinking and the shipping cycle perspective Maritime Policy & Management SSCI
96 陆林军 Analysis of Accident Severity for Curved Roadways Based on Bayesian Networks SUSTAINABILITY SSCI
97 倪安宁 Vulnerability Analysis of Intercity Multimode Transportation Networks; A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Sustainability SSCI
98 孙健 Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Distribution Pattern and Correlation for Taxi and Metro Ridership in Shanghai Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) EI
99 尹静波 The Dynamics of Dry Bulk Shipping Market Under the Shipping Cycle Perspective: Market Relationships and Volatility TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD SCI
100 孙健 Commercial vehicle dynamic third party safety supervision of based on GPS/Beidou technologies Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies EI
101 孙健 Evaluating the alignment of new metro line considering network vulnerability with passenger ridership Transportmetrica A: Transport Science SSCI
102 孙健 Determining acceleration lane length on expressway weaving area using microscopic traffic simulation Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies EI
103 陆林军 Nonlinear stability analysis of rotationally-restrained imperfect doublycurved composite shallow shells Thin-Walled Structures SCI
104 陆林军 Exploring an estimation approach for the pedestrian level of service for metro stations based on an interaction index Transportation Letters SSCI
105 彭仲仁 Use of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles for fine-grained road-side air quality monitoring Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board SCI
106 戴磊 The volatility transmission between crude oil market and tanker freight market Int. J. Shipping and Transport Logistics SSCI
107 戴磊 An environmental and techno-economic analysis of shore side electricity Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment SSCI
108 宋元斌 Onsite video mining for construction hazards identification with visual relationships Advanced Engineering Informatics SCI
109 黄淑萍 Assessing seismic vulnerability of urban road networks by a Bayesian network approach Transportation Research Part D: Transport And Environment SSCI
110 金建钢 Robust bike-sharing stations allocation and path network design: a two-stage stochastic programming model Transportation Letters SSCI
111 戴磊 Is Shore Side Electricity greener? An environmental analysis and policy implications Energy Policy SSCI


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