





2024.01 - 今,            上海交通大学,船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,长聘教轨副教授

2020.11 - 2023.12,上海交通大学,船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,长聘教轨助理教授

2015.09 - 2020.06,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,机械工程专业,博士

2011.09 - 2015.06,西安交通大学,机械工程学院,机械工程及自动化专业,学士








多份国内外学术期刊审稿人,包括 Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy, Renewable Energy, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Ocean Engineering, Marine Structures, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 等


2022 - 2024   国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于调谐质量阻尼惯容器的浮式风机塔筒振动控制研究,30万,主持

2021 - 2023   海南省自然科学基金联合项目,基于非线性能量阱的大型海上浮式风机振动控制研究,8万,主持

2022 - 2023   水声对抗技术重点实验室开放基金,XX动力学响应特性研究,40万,主持

2024 - 2025   上海交通大学“深蓝计划”基金,子母式 AUV 母子分离过程耦合动力学特性研究,50万,主持

2021 - 2023   上海交通大学“双一流”建设项目人才科研启动基金,50万,主持

2022 - 2023   国家海上风力发电工程技术研究中心开放基金,基于风洞试验的浮式风电机组多物理场耦合研究,25/125万,子课题负责人

2023 - 2025   三亚崖州湾科技城海南专项博士研究生科学研究项目,基于TMDI的海上浮式风机塔架减振降载技术研究,导师负责人(学生主持)

2017 - 2021   国家自然科学基金重点项目,中近海域大型海上浮式风机耦合动力学与稳定性机理研究,300万,参研

2021 - 2024   国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,大型海洋平台浮托安装系统非线性耦合动力响应预报与海上作业支持,260万,参研

2022 - 2024   海南省科技计划三亚崖州湾科技城科技创新联合项目,面向实海域多源风场扰动的浮式风机功率-载荷联合优化关键技术研究,100万,参研

2020 - 2023   汕尾市省级科技专项资金项目,10MW及以上大型海上风机耦合载荷仿真及叶片设计制造关键技术,120/800万,参研


2024 - 2025   浙江金风科技有限公司,漂浮式风机水池实验服务,主持

2024 - 2025   华电重工股份有限公司委托项目,海上风电安装作业研究,主持

2023 - 2024   中海油渤海石油航务建筑工程有限责任公司委托项目,漂浮式风电开发关键技术研究,主持

2022 - 2023   烟台中集来福士海洋工程有限公司委托项目,主持

2022 - 2023   中海油渤海石油航务建筑工程有限责任公司委托项目,风机基础理论、风机与基础耦合运动理论研究,主持

2022 - 2023   中国船舶集团有限公司第七二六研究所委托项目,XX方案设计与验证,主持

2022 - 2023   中国船舶集团海装风电股份有限公司委托项目,塔架振动特性分析及减振方案设计,主持

2022 - 2023   中交第三航务工程局有限公司委托项目,XX减摇研究,主持

2022 – 2024   中海石油 (中国)有限公司北京研究中心委托项目,漂浮式风机模型试验,技术负责人

2021 - 2022   中国船舶集团海装风电股份有限公司,浮式风电装备性能研究,技术负责人

2020 - 2021   三峡集团上海勘测设计研究院委托项目,漂浮式海上风电机组系统运动特性物理模型试验,技术负责人

2020 - 2021   CIMC RAFFLES 委托项目,Wave basin test program for floating wind turbine,技术负责人



[40] Design and experimental analysis of a nonlinear vibration absorber for floating offshore wind turbines, submitted

[39] A novel Real-Time Hybrid Testing Method for Twin-Rotor Floating Wind Turbines with Single-point Mooring Systems, submitted

[38] dMATCH: A Novel Integrated Testing Method for Floating Wind Turbine Dynamics -Concept, Framework and Delay Influence, submitted

[37] dMATCH: A Novel Integrated Testing Method for Floating Wind Turbine Dynamics - Error Analysis and Impact Assessment, submitted

[36] Hybrid Model Test Method for Floating Wind Turbine: System Setup and Load Correction, submitted


[35] 李昊辰,乔文超,张航,周胜增,田新亮,温斌荣*. 子母式 AUV 多载荷布放机构设计与性能测试. 中国舰船研究. 2023. 录用.

[34] 唐一皓,温斌荣*,张航,田新亮,周归勇,彭志科,基于视觉振动测量的浮式风机状态监测与载荷识别方法研究. 太阳能学报. 2023. 录用. (EI)

[33] Wen B, Liang Z, Tian X*, Peng Z. A Multi-Channel Load Simulator for Floating Wind Turbine Model Tests: Development, Test and Application. Ocean Engineering. 2023, 286: 115579.

[32] Zhang H, Wen B*, Tian X, Wang M, Peng Z. Experimental study on mitigating vibration of floating offshore wind turbine using Tuned Mass Damper. Ocean Engineering 288 (2023) 115974

[31] Chen Z, Tian X, Chen X, Wen B*, Li X. An experimental study of the wire-driven compliant robotic fish, Ocean Engineering. 2023, 279: 114433.  

[30] Li Z, Tian X, Wen B*, Peng Z. Dynamic performance evaluation of variable-speed wind turbine transmission system in non-stationary conditions. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies. 2023, 1-21.

[29] Chen X, Tian X, Wen B*, Jiang Z, Dong Y, Peng Z, Wang Y. Development and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Wind Generation System for the Floating Wind Turbine Model Test. Ocean Engineering. 2023, 270: 113384.


[28] 朱德政,温斌荣,田新亮*,彭志科,董晔弘,叶小嵘. 基于统一变桨和独立变桨的浮式风力机试验研究. 太阳能学报. 2022. (EI) 

[27] 梁泽浩,田新亮,温斌荣*,彭志科,李 欣,武广兴. 面向浮式风机混合模型试验的多通道载荷复现器设计与性能测试. 太阳能学报. 2022. (EI)

[26] 王一,周舒旎,温斌荣*,田新亮,彭志科,等. 漂浮式风机运动抑制方法综述. 中国海洋平台. 2022.

[25] 温斌荣, 田新亮, 彭志科*, 李占伟. 大型漂浮式风电装备耦合动力学研究: 历史, 进展与挑战. 力学进展. 2022. 52(3): 1-78. (封面论文

[24] Wen B, Jiang Z, Li Z, Peng Z, Dong X, Tian X*. On the Aerodynamic Loading Effect of a Model Spar-type Floating Wind Turbine: an Experimental Study. Renewable Energy. 2022;184:306-319.

[23] X Liang, P Wang, X Zhang, B Wen, X Li, X Tian*. Multi-objective robust energy management for environment powered unmanned surface vehicles. Ocean Engineering 247, 110624.

[22] C Yang, Z Cheng*, L Xiao, X Tian, M Liu, B Wen. A gradient-descent-based method for design of performance-scaled rotor for floating wind turbine model testing in wave basins. Renewable Energy. 2022;187:144-155.


[21] Wen B, Li Z, Jiang Z, Tian X, Dong X*, Peng Z. Floating wind turbine power performance incorporating equivalent turbulence intensity induced by floater oscillations. Wind Energy. 2022; 25 (2), 260-280.

[20] Li Z, Wen B, Dong X, Long X, Peng Z*. Effect of blade pitch control on dynamic characteristics of a floating offshore wind turbine under platform pitching motion. Ocean Engineering. 2021;232:109109.

[19] Jiang Z, Wen B, Chen G, Xiao L, Li X, Peng Z, Tian X*. Feasibility studies of a novel spar-type floating wind turbine for moderate water depths: hydrodynamic perspective with model test. Ocean Engineering. 2021;233:1090707.


[18] Wen B, Tian X, Jiang Z, Dong X, Peng Z*, Zhang W, Wei K. Monitoring blade loads for model floating wind turbine in wave basin tests using Fiber Bragg Grating sensors: a feasibility study. Marine Structures. 2020;71:102729. 

[17] Wen B, Li Z, Jiang Z, Peng Z, Dong X, Tian X*. Experimental study on the tower loading characteristics of a floating wind turbine based on wave basin model tests. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2020;207:104390. 

[16] Wen B, Tian X, Dong X, Li Z, Peng Z*, Zhang W, Wei K. Design approaches of performance-scaled rotor for wave basin model tests of floating wind turbines. Renewable Energy. 2020;148:573-584. 

[15] Wen B, Li Z, Jiang Z, Tian X, Dong X, Peng Z*. Blade loading performance of a floating wind turbine in wave basin model tests. Ocean Engineering. 2020;199:107061.

[14] Li Z, Wen B, Wei K, Yang W, Peng Z*, Zhang W. Flexible dynamic modeling and analysis of drive train for Offshore Floating Wind Turbine. Renewable Energy. 2020;145:1292-1305.

[13] Li Z, Wen B, Dong X, Peng Z*, Qu Y, Zhang W. Aerodynamic and aeroelastic characteristics of flexible wind turbine blades under periodic unsteady inflows. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2020;197:104057.

[12] Li Z, Wen B, Peng Z*, Dong X, Qu Y. Dynamic modelling and analysis of wind turbine drivetrain considering the effects of non-torque loads. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2020;83:146-168.

[11] Tian X*, Xiao J, Liu H, Wen B, Peng Z. A novel dynamics analysis method for Spar-type floating offshore wind turbine. China Ocean Engineering. 2020;34(1):99–109.

[10] Cao Q, Xiao L*, Cheng Z, Liu M, Wen B. Operational and extreme responses of a new concept of 10MW semi-submersible wind turbine in intermediate water depth: An experimental study. Ocean Engineering. 2020;217:108003.

[9] 刘浩学, 温斌荣, 魏汉迪, 汪学锋, 彭志科, 田新亮*. 海上浮式风机混合模型试验系统开发. 实验室研究与探索. 2020;39(5):71-76.

[8] Wen B, Tian X, Dong X*, Peng Z, Zhang W, Wei K. A numerical study on the angle of attack to the blade of a horizontal-axis offshore floating wind turbine under static and dynamic yawed conditions. Energy. 2019;168:1138-1156.

[7] Wen B, Tian X, Zhang Q, Dong X*, Peng Z, Zhang W, Wei K. Wind shear effect induced by the platform pitch motion of a Spar-type floating wind turbine. Renewable Energy. 2019;135:1186-1199.

[6] 王新茹, 陈刚, 肖龙飞, 温斌荣, 田新亮*. 实尺度大型水平轴风机气动特性数值模拟. 中国海洋平台. 2019;34(6):31-39

[5] Wen B, Dong X, Tian X*, Peng Z, Zhang W, Wei K. The power performance of an offshore floating wind turbine in platform pitching motion. Energy. 2018;154:508-521.

[4] Wen B, Tian X, Dong X*, Peng Z, Zhang W. On the power coefficient overshoot of an offshore floating wind turbine in surge oscillations. Wind Energy. 2018;21(11):1076-1091.

[3] 温斌荣, 魏莎, 魏克湘, 杨文献, 彭志科*, 褚福磊. 风切变和塔影效应对风力机输出功率的影响分析. 机械工程学报. 2018;54(10):124-132. (EI, 封面文章)

[2] Wen B, Tian X, Dong X*, Peng Z, Zhang W. Influences of surge motion on the power and thrust characteristics of an offshore floating wind turbine. Energy. 2017;141:2054-2068.

[1] Wen B, Wei S, Wei K, Yang W, Peng Z*, Chu F. Power fluctuation and power loss of wind turbines due to wind shear and tower shadow. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2017;12(3):1-12.





授权国家发明专利 15 项、软件著作权 4 项。




2022年,力学进展 52 卷 3 期,封面论文

2018年,机械工程学报 54 卷 10 期,封面论文

国家奖学金,华为奖学金,OMAE Outreach Scholarship等










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